>> Thursday, February 11, 2010

Greetings everyone,

So most of you might be wondering what on earth is TWLOHA right?
Well, this post is dedicated just for it :)

You see, TWLOHA actually stands for "To Write Love On Her Arms".

This movement is a non-profit movement specially dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling in depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.
TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.

As I've said, it is a NON-PROFIT movement, I know... Malaysians are sensitive about money.
But fear not, I'm not asking you to go and give RM100000 ++ money away or whatsoever.

All I'm asking is IF you support people in need, if you care, if you love.

Just join the movement by writing "LOVE" on your arm.

12th-13th is the day of TWLOHA which means people around the globe is doing the exact same thing by just simply writing "LOVE" on their arms.

So why don't you join in as well?
Show them we care, show them that they're more than they think they are :)

As simple as that!

For me personally, I strongly support this movement because I myself felt suicidal at one point of my life, if it wasn't for the people around me who showed me LOVE and showed me that they care.

I would probably wouldn't be right here writing this blog for you guys to read.

I wish I could get my hands on some TWLOHA's t-shirt!

They don't sell it in Malaysia :(
Now, this just adds on to my list of why I don't want to stay here :P

Even my marshmallow supports the movement :)

In conclusion, why not just take a few seconds by just writing 4 letters on your hands? :)

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